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The HGuide i300 is a high-performance micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) based inertial measurement unit (IMU) designed to meet the needs of applications across various markets including agriculture, AUVs, industrial equipment, robotics, survey/mapping, stabilized platforms, transportation, UAVs and UGVs. With industry standard communication interfaces and a wideinput voltage range the HGuide i300 is easily integrated into a variety of architectures. The extremely small size, light weight, and low power make the HGuide i300 ideal for many applications.


The HGuide i300 includes MEMS gyroscopes and accelerometers. In addition, the HGuide i300 employs an internal environmental isolation system to attenuate unwanted inputs commonly encountered in real world applications. The internal isolation and other proprietary design features ensure the HGuide i300 is rugged enough to meet the needs of the most demanding users.


The HGuide i300 is both hardware and software compatible with the HG4930 IMU. It is also software-compatible with the HG1120 IMU.


The HGuide i300 is not ITAR controlled. Its Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) is 7A994.



World-class inertial sensor development, calibration and compensation.

Units feature a range of user configurable options with selectable

 output data rates and filtering.

Multiple, configurable communication protocols.

Proven reliability, dependability and ruggedness, through unit life.

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